Examination/ Certification:
- All India Trade Test are conducted by the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour under the as is of NCVT in July and January every year.
- Provisional National Trade Certificate ( PNTC ) will be issued at the end of successful completion of the course.
- National Trade Certificate ( NTC ) will be made available as soon as it is received from NCVT, New Delhi.
General Rules and Regulation:
- All Trainees should aim to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of manners and discipline.
- No student will absent himself from class without submitting a leave application duly attested by his guardian. Any student violating this rule shall be deprived of the assignment of the day.
- No student shall ignore /neglect the submission of home assignments of the specified days. A minimum of 80 percent attendance in class along with satisfactory performance is essential for becoming eligible for the All India Trade Test.
- The Principal has the right to expel a student in case of misbehavior / misconduct and no refund of fees whatsoever will be made in such case.
- Students must ascertain their eligibility while taking admission into a particular course/trade.
- An Identity Card is issued to every student who is expected to carry it on his person whenever coming to the institute. The Card must be produced whenever demanded by an official of the Institute.
- Loss of Identity card must be immediately reported to the institute Office. A Duplicate Card will be issued on the payment of Rs 50.00 only alongwith the FIR lodged in the police station and an affidavit before the Notary Public.
- Fees must be paid on or before the stipulated date i.e. 30th day of each month. After this date a fine at the rate of Rs 5/- per day shall be charged as late fee.
- Payment of fee is not considered valid without a proper receipt obtained from the Institute Office or Authorized bank.
- For default in the payment of fees the student‘s name shall be struck off from the roll after one month from the due date. In case of re-admission, the student shall have to pay the arrears along with re-admission fee.
- Fees once paid shall in no case be refunded.
- Transfer of Trade not allowed.
- Trainees are advised to stay in the hostel so that their assessment an be made on the basis of Inter-personal behaviour including curiosity, obedience, enthusiasm and sincerity to learn. Day scholars will submit their proof of residence