Baliapur Institute of Technology is spread across several acres in lush green environment. The Institute has been granted permanent affiliation by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), Ministry of Labour, Employment & Training, Govt. of India vide affiliation order DGET.6/4/5/91-TC
The trade affiliated to NCVT are Electrician, Fitter, Surveyor, Draughtsman (Civil), Draughtsman (Mechanical), Mechanic (Diesel), Welder, Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)
The Primary objective of the designed training is to make people fit for job as skilled workers in the industries of India & Abroad. The objective is also to develop capability for entrepreneurship against the local people by making them capable of managing small and cottage industries. The objective also includes making people fit for self-employment.
Baliapur Institute of Technology is established in 1988 as an educational institution by a committee of qualified persons of Dhanbad District with a view to impart technical education and training to the youths. It has become essential to meet the demand of skilled personnel in the rapidly growing industries in the country and to keep the living standard of load people in harmony with the people of other areas.
It is well known fact that Skill and knowledge are fulcrums to a Nation’s Development and Economic Growth.
The Developed countries of the world have attained better levels of Skills and are capable of adjusting more efficiently to the opportunities and challenges in the work field and are delivering excellent result. India is a far behind the developed countries in the field of skill and education and it is the main reason why we are still backward.
By comparing the Indian Scenario with the Global Scenario, we find that the Indian Business and Industry are facing a shortage of 76% technical and skill main power. It is adversely affecting productivity and Growth of Business and Industry. Last Survey has revealed that only 4% of population of India is skilled. This figure is 68% in UK, 78% in Germany, 58% in USA, 80% in Japan and 96% in South Korea.
It is further estimated that 75% of the fresh graduates from the Indian Education System are not readily employable.
It is thus evident that India has to work hard to attain the Global Level. Baliapur Institute of Technology is making all attempts to impart training of Global Standard and is playing significant role to prepare and supply Skilled Workers to the Industries in the country and abroad.
Dhanbad District has been a district full of Industries like Coal Industry, FCI Ltd., SAIL Bokaro, Macnally Bharat, Kumardhubi Engineering Workshop, Hindustan Malleables etc. The District possesses ISM, Dhanbad, BIT Sindri, ITI Dhanbad to produce Engineers and Technicians. Inspite of prevailing facilities, the rural people of the area could not become qualified and almost all local workers in the Industries were engaged as Casual Labourers. Considering this pitiable condition of the local people, Baliapur Institute of Technology has been established by a committee of qualified persons headed by Prof. A.R. Ansari, formerly HOD (Min), BIT, Sindri on 3rd. January, 1988. Since then the Institute has produced a number of AMIE (Mining) Engineers, Technicians and thousands of ITI pass-out, majority being from the undivided State of Bihar and mostly from Villages. Thus the purpose of making rural people skilled is served. Besides this, the Institute is contributing significantly to meet the demand of Skilled Personnel in the Industries of the Country and abroad. A sizeable number of passed out trainees are absorbed in foreign countries with high emoluments.