
Recommended punishment for using unfair means in the trade test conducted under the aegis of NCVT.
SL.No. Nature of offence/unfair means Recommended punishment
1. Writing his name or any distinctive remark on the answer book The trainee may be disqualified from passing the examination in that year by the Chairman of the examination, and for any other punishment a committee consisting of the Head of the institute and two senior staff members, preferably of Grade A or B, should conduct an enquiry and recommend the amount of punishment including debarring from appearing in subsequent examinations up to a period of three years. However, the trainee may be given an opportunity for explaining his/her conduct before the final decision of awarding the punishment is taken by the concerned authorities. The State Director or Director of Institute under DGE&T will have full authority to give a final decision in the matter.
2. Writing answers on the question paper
3. Leaving the examination hall without permission of the invigilation staff until the paper is finished
4. Disorderly conduct/rude behaviour/impersonation/threatening the invigilation staff
5. Found in possession of indiscriminate material on his/her possession
6. Writing answers on the question paper
7. Exchanging answer book with other trainees.
8. Tearing off any page of the answer book/supplementary answer book/smuggling out the answer book
9. Contacting or trying to contact any other person during examination time
10. While checking answer book, it is noticed that the trainee has copied from some book or from answer book of other trainees
11. Using or attempting to use any other undesirable method or means in connection with the examination